“Ractopamine Raises Revenue and Is Environmentally Friendly” Was Anxiously Criticized by Scientists Outside of the Agriculture-Wind Media Council announcement


  1. The claim that “ractopamine increases revenue and is environmentally friendly” was urgently criticized by scientists who were not part of the ad-style media council of the Agriculture Council.
  2. “Fake news is scarier than American pigs” Chen Jizhong: Domestic clenbuterol is a banned animal drug UDN United News Network
  3. Clenbuterol ads in “Scienceman” magazine urgently removed from editor: lack of rigorous scientific discussion is a serious mistake Taiwan Apple Daily
  4. Council of Agriculture Clenbuterol Advertising Scientist Removal – Violates Media Ethics and Scientific Spirit
  5. Laiji’s ad from the Agricultural Commission was scolded and the scientist quickly pulled UDN off the shelves United News Network
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report