Aortic extraction removes 2 relatives! She burst into tears and exposed severe pain: her back was shattered│TVBS News Network-TVBS News


  1. Aortic extraction takes 2 relatives! She burst into tears and exposed severe pain: her back was shattered│TVBS News Network TVBS News
  2. It only takes 1 second to detect! Fingers of high risk group of “aortic dissection” exposed to warning news Sanli News Network
  3. Xiaogui died of cardiovascular disease. Recognition of “aortic dissection”, sudden pain in the chest like a knife
  4. Is aortic dissection related to “congenital polycystic kidney disease”? Doctors ask patients to do 4 things NOWnews Today News
  5. 20200919 Zhongtian News Imp cause of death “aortic dissection” Doctor: 50% of patients died on the spot Zhongtian News CH52
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report