US Ambassador to the United Nations meets New York bureau chief for the first time-China News


  1. The United States Ambassador to the United Nations meets with the head of the New York office for the first time
  2. The United States Ambassador to the United Nations meets for the first time with the Director of the China Office in New York to help promote Taiwan’s return to the United Nations Free Times Bulletin.
  3. [Mei Ting Taiwán]A breakthrough! The United States Ambassador to the United Nations meets with our representative in New York for the first time and promises “to help Taiwan participate in United Nations affairs.” Taiwan Apple Daily
  4. The United States Ambassador to the United Nations meets with our representative in New York for the first time and promises to help Taiwan return to the United Nations Sanli News Network
  5. To improve Taiwan-US relations, US Ambassador to the United Nations meets with Taiwanese officials UDN in New York United News Network
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report