The Ultimate Statistics Show! Old-age benefits of labor insurance are only 17,500 yuan per person per month-Free financing


  1. The Ultimate Statistics Show! Old-age benefits from labor insurance are only 17,500 yuan per month per person
  2. 70% of the labor insurance annuity received less than 20,000 union approved the annual reform and did not find the workforce to speak-Red Formosa TV News
  3. Wasn’t the draft of the annual labor insurance reform discussed? Ministry of Labor: UDN is not currently planned. United News Network
  4. Increase in basic salary, graduate insurance job insurance, followed by 2.87 million people who pay more premiums, free financing
  5. Protests from the Ministry of Labor “2020 Gongdou” requesting a labor insurance pension for the floor of the building-Formosa TV News network Formosa TV News network
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report