【Camping 4 dead】 Hey! Father and daughter died and family loves camping and hiking every month – Taiwan Apple Daily


  1. 【Camping 4 dead】 Hey! Father and daughter died and family loves camping and mountaineering, travels every month Taiwan Apple Daily
  2. Four people in the Wujie camp were dragged away and killed
  3. Camping makes 4 kills! She lost contact with Lu Nan drifting 11K, bad water washed all her clothes @ 东森新闻 CH51 东森新闻 CH51
  4. Sunan /[Cuatro muertes en el campamento de Wujie]Difficulties in legal areas for camping ETtoday News Cloud
  5. The Wujie camp was swept away by the aircrew and found the body of the fourth person.
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report