Fan Yun’s Thousand Character Blue Commission “Nine Curves and Eighteen Turns” Condensed 8 Characters Clearly-Politics-China Times News


The former spokesman for the Presidential Office, Ding Yungong, suffered an explosive scandal. In addition to using his office as a gun room and forcing the woman to have a third abortion, he also used intimate photographs and power to try to destroy the new relationship and the murder of the woman. To do this, he claimed to be a feminist fighter. However, Fan Yun, a member of the Progressive Party, was reluctant to express his views and was criticized by netizens for double standards. In response, Fan Yunjin replied that it was an attack on destroying his personality and explained the gender issues that he would discuss. But in the eyes of the Kuomintang legislator Li Dewei, “This is a double standard!” A thousand character text with nine curves and eighteen twists still cannot move.

Fan Yun spoke about the Ding Yungong scandal a few days ago, saying only that if the victimized host needed help, she would help, but she didn’t comment much on Ding Yungong’s words and deeds, with netizens criticizing the double offer. In response, Fan Yun posted a thousand-character response again on Facebook PO on the 13th, saying that it was a destructive attack on her personality.

Fan Yun said that she has been involved in women’s and gender sports for more than 25 years. In the last 25 years, various gender incidents, large and small, have occurred continuously in society. Gender issues are her main concern, and sociology and feminism are her specialties. For “Do you want to comment? How should you comment?” She has a very clear standard in her heart.

Fan Yun answered three things that she would answer. First, when you encounter an incident involving personal emotional relationships, the truth of the incident must be clarified. Don’t yell the first time, don’t promote public judgment. So she did not comment on the former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Guoyu’s Miss Wang incident. Second, incidents involving sexual assault, sexual harassment, and proxy sexual assault must be severely punished by law. Finally, she will comment on the words and behaviors of politicians who “openly treat specific ethnic groups” on sexism and sexual harassment, such as Han Guoyu’s bleached calf.

Regarding Fan Yun’s statement, Li Dewei also posted on Facebook that the three-point response in Fan Yun’s latest thousand-character essay fully demonstrated the so-called “Jerry Salamander” standard of sexual equality. On the other hand, it is necessary to justify Ding Yungong’s criticism.

Especially for the first point, Li Dewei pointed out that Fan Yun said: “Whenever you come across an incident involving personal emotional relationships, you should clarify the truth of the incident. Do not yell and kill the first time, and do not encourage public judgment.” . She added: “When Han Yu Happens During Miss Wang’s incident, I also didn’t see Lie Xinxi.”

However, Li Dewei criticized the “Miss Wang incident” and Han Guoyu’s “extramarital affairs”, false! “Illegal child”, false! Sex abroad, fake! A “false gossip” that was deliberately made up in last year’s election. Is it true that Fan Yun has not updated the information until now, insisting that it is “personal feelings”? This type of “false gossip” is not heard, told or transmitted. It is just the basic principle of being a human being. How could the Fan committee member use this to “rescue” himself, as if everyone had to affirm her for it?

Regarding the second point, Li Dewei again pointed out that Fan Yun said: “Sexual assault, sexual harassment, and powerhouse sexual assault must be severely punished by law!” The problem is that they all questioned her on September 8. Fan Yuncai A press conference held in conjunction with the DPP Women’s Department defined “sexual assault by proxy” and will promote the aggravation of the law. However, after the publication of the weekly magazine on September 10, Fan Yun was still unwilling to respond. Ding Yun considered himself repeated against the reporters. Powerful sexual assault “?

Li Dewei finally said that perhaps Fan Yun could argue that this should be brought to trial by law, but this contradicts his third point. Ding Yungong is so bad that it is considered a “sexual assault of power” and you do not respond; Han Guoyu is always to blame, you were always the first to jump out and call him out for “sexual harassment” and “discrimination against women”. This is a double standard! A thousand word text with nine bends and eighteen twists, I still can’t move.

(Zhongshi News Network)
