Once Kawhi Leonard “turns his back” on you, you should know what the problem is! -NBA-Basketball


Kawhi Leonard is arguably the most stable, complete, and accurate basketball player in the league today. He can shoot 3-pointers, attract fouls, catch rebounds and perfectly protect opponents’ pick-and-rolls; if necessary, his defensive intensity can even rise to the level of the best defensive player of the year.

Other readings:Kawhi leonard Defensive degradation? No, his defense has revolutionized again!

The basketball in his big hands becomes as easy to control as a rubber toy; While standing on the court, it will give the opponent a sense of dominance without anger or prestige, a kind of “you can’t solve it.” A sense of coercion.

Image Source: Associated Press / Dazhi Image

Now, this sense of dominance is most pronounced when Leonard started with back-frame singles – in the playoffs, his back-frame frequency and efficiency began to increase significantly. According to data from sports statistics outlet Second Spectrum, in the 2016-17 playoffs, Leonard will use 2.26 low-post singles for every 100 offensive possessions, ranking only among 32 players with more than 15 low-post singles. In position 28; However, in last year’s playoffs (he eventually won the championship), this number shot up to 4.14 times, ranking 19th out of 31 players, and Tyrannosaurus was able to get on these shots each time. With a score of 1.31, the efficiency is staggering.

When the Dallas Mavericks played in the first round of the playoffs this season, the number rose to a new record. This season, there is no player in the NBA who has played more than 10 singles at the low post. His offensive efficiency is even better than Kawhi. His average score per shot is an incredible 1.6. Almost as soon as you start backing down, the score is already marked. Half the bill: What’s even more shocking is that its frequency of use has not decreased but has increased, reaching 5.88 times per 100 offensive possessions, ranking 12th out of 26 players.

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Part of the reason may be because Dallas’ lineup isn’t targeting Leonard’s full wing. Maxi Kleber, unsurprisingly, couldn’t quite resist it. The team’s best defenders, Dorian Finney-Smith and Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, tried to keep Leonard from feeling too comfortable, but … the effect was still very limited. As the Clippers called for low tactics, the opponent’s defense began to fall at the mercy of Leonard. After a series of tentative steps at the waist, they began to turn their backs on the basket, followed by a series of hand-to-hand combat to get into position, turn around-jump to the highest point- He broke the net.

If Kawhi’s steps are second in the league, no one can dare to claim first. See how much space he creates with his left foot. If you simulate this action on your own, you may have an unstable center of gravity and fall to the right; however, Leonard performed this action on the playoff battlefield and is more powerful. With his strength, poise and poise, he made another leap back.

Leonard is a one-on-one master, the Clippers like to put him close to the left free throw line, and then a point guard will go down to set up a screen, which will get the defense moving. Thanks to Leonard’s better ball handling skills and greater insight over the years, no matter how the opponent responds, it’s nearly impossible to stop the Clippers from finding a gap opportunity and taking easy shots.

In last year’s playoffs, Leonard was able to produce more than 6 assists for every 100 back-frame singles; however, this year this number has soared to 18.8. This is also the main reason for their high efficiency on the court and the Clippers can score 1.2 points per possession.

When facing a multiplayer double team, Leonard never panics, he will not try to pass a big risky diagonal pass, nor will he try to break the fence, but rather to believe in the domino effect caused by himself, calmly read The situation on the field, and find the most advantageous teammate, and then collapse the defense.

Compared to the Mavericks, the Denver Nuggets have more defenders and better players, but it’s a fantasy to restrict it one to one. The Nuggets’ defensive champions are either too short (Gary Harris) or too slow. (Paul Millsap). Jerami Grant is probably the best person to take care of Kawhi, but look at how the Clippers handle him in the regular season: Paul George first installed an off-the-ball screen to change defenses, allowing Leonard to run to the side. strong and chase it. Dwarf prey.

Leonard is a master of basketball. Not only can you quickly read all situations on the court, but you can also find ways to make the situation you want a reality in front of your eyes, be it a sudden stop after a dribble in the elbow area or a line cut. bottom with his right hand, finally managed to shoot back.

However, the offensive weapons mentioned above are not comparable to his latest assassin – this unique, rough but ticklish ability, recent but long-standing technology in decline, but Kawhi proved his proficiency in basketball. As long as the Clippers’ offense is in a drought, the smartest way is probably the simplest: hand the ball to Kawhi Leonard with his back to the basket and drive the other defenders away for him, nothing more.

(Editor’s note: This article was completed prior to round two of the West Zone round two)

Further Reading: Once Offensive Unique Abilities Gone – Low Low Singles Nearly Dead

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【Special Editor Ye Guanming Compiler / Responsible Editor Xu Lizhe】

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