Welcome the Speaker of the Czech Parliament and the President of the University of Political Science who stated that 400 years ago Taiwan was a primitive society without clothes | Politics | 新 头壳 Newtalk


Guo Mingzheng, president of the National Chengchi University.  Photo: Lin Chaoyi / photo

Guo Mingzheng, president of the National Chengchi University. Photo: Lin Chaoyi / photo

President of the Czech Senate Vedzy (Miloš Vystrčil)now(31) In the afternoon, a speech was held at Chengchi University. In his welcoming address, President Guo Mingzheng mentioned2004In 1 year, former Czech President Havel attended this speech and said that “400Taiwanese society a year ago was still a primitive society without clothes. “

Wade Qi this afternoontwoShi gave a speech at Chengchi University, which was also his first public speech in Taiwan. The venue for the speech was the International Conference Hall on the first floor of the Zhengda Incubation and Innovation Center. Visitors and the public in Taiwan are required to wear masks during the entire process and drinking water is not allowed on site. Media seats are in real name system. You must take your body temperature before entering the site. After entering the place, you can only enter and exit by the exclusive route. You can enter and exit through the media card and license plate.oneHourFour. FivePlease be seated before the event. Do not leave until the end of the event and wait until the Taiwanese representatives leave the Czech delegation. Toilets and moving lines on both sides are also separated to avoid contact.

When President Guo Mingzheng welcomed him, he mentioned1968Prague spring and1989In the velvet revolution of 1988, the Czech Republic played a key role in humanity’s march towards freedom and democracy.

Guo Mingzheng also said:2004Czech President Vaclav Havel came to Taiwan and received an honorary doctorate and a speech at National Chengchi University. Last year, the Mayor of Prague, He Jipu, paid a visit to the Council of State and it is an honor to see him again today. The Czech Republic is Taiwan’s best friend. National Chengchi University is a university that maintains close exchanges with Czech universities. The School of Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures of National Chengchi University has a Slavic languages ​​department and a professor who teaches Czech.

Guo Mingzheng said that in these difficult days of fighting the epidemic, his visits are as the Qing Dynasty poet Sun Xingyan said, “the most difficult wind and rain to come.” He also quoted Confucius as saying, “It is a pleasure to have friends who come from far away” and “If you don’t accept it from afar, you will follow the culture and morals.” Mencius also said, “Those who do not have a thirst for blood can make one.” In Taiwan, National Chengchi University expected itself as the heir to Chinese culture and established the Luo Jialun International Sinology Seminar. The future10Years, the most famous100International sinologists, there will be40The name came to Zhengda. The political leader is the eternal beacon of international sinology.

Guo Mingzheng also said: “400Taiwanese society a year ago was still a primitive mesh society. Today, Taiwan is recognized by the world in all aspects, science, especially semiconductors, public health, especially in epidemic prevention, freedom, democracy and human rights. Taiwan is a model of national and social development. “He hopes that more teachers and political students will come to the Czech Republic in the future, and he also hopes that Czech students and academics will go to the National University of Political Science and Technology to promote the plan. joint teaching of the two parties and the tripartite.

The President of the Czech Senate, Miloš Vystrčil, delivered a speech at Chengchi University this afternoon (31)

In his welcoming speech, President Guo Mingzheng mentioned that former Czech President Havel gave a speech here in 2004, and even said that “Taiwanese society 400 years ago was still a primitive society without clothes.”

President of the Czech Senate, Vedzy, Photo: Lin Chaoyi / Photo

President of the Czech Senate, Vedzy, Photo: Lin Chaoyi / Photo
