“He shot my head first!” The curator made his first live broadcast after being shot. Free Times Electronic News.


  1. “He shot my head first!” The commissioner made his first live broadcast after being shot, Free Times Newsletter
  2. What do the experts think about shooting the commissioner at point-blank range? Police Instructor – Must have shooting experience but no professional training ETtoday News Cloud
  3. “First he shot me in the head” The curator made his first live broadcast of udn OOPS after being shot!
  4. Why did the curator only shoot 3 takes? Revealed the killer’s intention to “hold back 5 bullets”: an expert instructs Setn.com
  5. Curator Chen Zhihan’s shooting case blocked the suspect’s mobile phone and blocked the law and the prosecutor’s wits to start a legal battle. Chinatimes.com
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report