Emotional conflicts over the negotiation of an ex-girlfriend who wrecked millions of cars surrounded by crashes | Sanli News Channel-Sanli News Network SETN


  1. Emotional conflicts over the negotiation of ex-girlfriends who wrecked millions of cars surrounded by crashes | Sanli News Channel Sanli News Network SETN
  2. That root property! Pretty girl in shorts choked on her ex-Facebook boyfriend Hu Hua was shot in the head by the shovel of his ex-girlfriend ETtoday
  3. Her girlfriends drowned on Facebook in the late afternoon, closed deals, and trashed the Mercedes-Benz Freedom Times e-newsletter.
  4. The previous girlfriend broke the car after negotiating with the crowd, and the city police brought in 6 men and 2 women.
  5. Both sides drown on Facebook! Negotiations over emotional disputes between men and women, ex-girlfriend breaking wrecked car
  6. Go to Google News to see the full story