Is fatty liver also susceptible without drinking? Experts Reveal Secret Treatment Method (Photos) | fatty liver | fat | cirrhosis | drink | health care


In recent years, the number of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver unaffected by alcohol has increased, drawing the attention of the medical community.
In recent years, the number of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver unaffected by alcohol has increased, drawing the attention of the medical community. (Source: Adobe Stock)

Even if there is no excessDrinkingWait for bad habits, due to the liver.FatAccumulationFatty liverThe number of people is growing. Japanese agencies speculate that there are around 10 to 20 million potential fatty liver patients in Japan. The Kurume University Hospital in Japan (Kurume City, Fukuoka) proposed the concept of “lack of exercise is one of its causes” and developed a “hepatitis gymnastics” that can improve fatty liver, and asked everyone let them participate in the practice.

According to Japan’s “Western Japan News” report, deterioration of the fatty liver will cause inflammation, which in turn will lead to hardening of the liver and even liver cancer. Drinking excessively, overeating, and disordered living habits can impair fatty liver.
However, in recent years, the number of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver unaffected by alcohol has increased, drawing the attention of the medical community. Kawaguchi, a professor at the Kurume University Hospital Gastroenterology Center, analyzed data from 1,361 people who underwent physical exams in Saga from May 2017 to June 2019. These 1,361 people had a daily intake of alcohol below 60 grams. and they did not have chronic liver disease. The analysis showed that patients with fatty liver represented 55.4% of people aged 45 to 64 years, and patients with fatty liver represented 50.7% of those aged 65 to 74 years.

Kawaguchi said that while fatty liver is generally associated with obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., it is clear that many people suffer from fatty liver even if they are not obese. He noted: “Due to increased desk work and lack of exercise, patients with fatty liver are greatly affected by this.”

Fatty liver has no obvious symptoms of the disease, but if left unattended, 4% to 8% of patients develop chronic hepatitis each year, 1% of people develop cirrhosis, and approximately 0.2% of patients will develop cancer liver. And fatty liver and colorectal cancer and breast cancer are also closely related.

Fatty liver can change life habits through sports and other methods, and it will have a great improvement effect.
Fatty liver can change life habits through sports and other methods, and it will have a great improvement effect. (Source: Adobe Stock)

Regarding how to improve fatty liver, the medical profession proposes that it is possible to adopt treatment methods that change lifestyle habits, such as exercise therapy.

In 2016, Ms. Kubota Yuko, a 64-year-old fatty liver patient in the city of Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, received outpatient fatty liver treatment by Kawaguchi. At the time, his liver fat was estimated to be over 67%, which was “severe fatty liver” or even cirrhosis. And Mrs. Kubota is not in the habit of smoking and drinking, and is typical of nonalcoholic fatty liver.

Instead of taking medications, Ms. Kubota participated in a clinical trial at Kurume University. He did muscle training, went to the gym near his home every week to pedal bikes, etc. Until now, she has been moving diligently due to running a bakery and taking care of her grandchildren. Ms. Kubota’s body weight was 7 kg lighter than the peak period, her liver fat mass had fallen within the normal range of less than 5%, and her liver stiffness had also improved to “mild chronic hepatitis”.

In August 2018, under the proposal of the Chiba Hepatitis Information Center, Kawaguchi and the assistant professor of plastic surgery at the Kurume University Hospital, Hashida Ryuki, designed the “Hepatitis Gymnastics”.

Professor Kawaguchi recommended “hepatitis gymnastics” to about 100 patients, and more than half of the patients have already started practicing. Kawaguchi’s future plan verifies the improvement of the fatty liver in “Hepatitis Gymnastics”.

Kawaguchi noted: “If fatty liver is found at an early stage, lifestyle habits can be changed as soon as possible through exercise, which has a great improvement effect. Non-alcoholic fatty liver can also cause cancer. liver. If there is a risk about it, make sure you do as many gym exercises as possible every day. I hope patients can exercise their bodies through such exercises. ”
