Lu Wenhui / Why do you like to see Chen Shizhong? It is not about “creating gods”, but “they can be better people” | Independent reviews in the world | Naruto Church


The new crown virus has been unleashed worldwide, and epidemic prevention in Taiwan has been successful. The Chinese people highly affirmed the performance of the epidemic situation command center Chen Shizhong. From him, he has continuously received unprecedented ultra-high polls, proving that people have a high degree of trust and love for him. Some people ridiculed that this was another wave of “worship of God” movement of “worship when there is a god”, and Chen Shizhong was just ex Ke Wenzhe. Is this really the case?

Ke Wenzhe was once very popular with the successful idol packaging, but Chen Shizhong was deeply loved for his success in preventing epidemics, and was associated with the somewhat similar “phenomenon”. However, by the nature, style and level of the two people, it is easy to see the difference.

“Creating gods” is a tendency of human nature, but can the parts be inspected for “creating gods”: are they taking advantage of “self-creating gods” and enjoying it, or being ordinary and indifferent? Is it focusing on yourself, highlighting superior worship, or caring for the general situation and sharing a warm heart with others?

Use humor to block questions from heavenly soldiers and instantly relieve tension

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, it has remained treacherous and changeable. The problems and challenges that prevent the epidemic come in waves like evil waves. The giant wave can restore an “idol” to a flat character, and can also remove a thick, textured three-dimensional character. , Let your eyes shine. For more than three months, Minister Chen Fuzhong, who chaired the anti-epidemic press conference every day, updated the general public’s view of politicians. As the commander in charge of epidemic prevention, what kinds of qualities and skills will make people cool off. Relief?

The audience that watches the press conference every day should admire Chen Shizhong’s high EQ. Reports and narrations are always accelerated, and there is no additional excitement beyond scientific data and objective facts; Not only are reporters full of questions, but they must be answered against repeated questions. A journalist once asked me, “Today, there is an editorial in a newspaper that says the commander is a” crystal heart. “Do you think you are a crystal heart?” When faced with those “heavenly soldier” questions, Chen Shizhong said, “Smile unanswered.” To answer The off-screen audience was about to erupt in anger. Seeing that the commander was so stable and calm, he not only extinguished his anger, but also took a high-level emotional management class for free.

Chen Shizhong seemed without smiling. In fact, he was a master of humor. He knew how to use the front of the “slightly bitter” speech machine to draw the key points of laughter. There was a time when people rushed to buy rice, instant noodles, and canned food in supermarkets. Chen Shizhong urged everyone at the press conference: “There are enough supplies, not everyone must stockpile and buy too much, we will not be special due to the epidemic.” “Eat”. It’s completely “just talking about things” to mention people, but people can’t help but laugh.

Another interesting example, once reporting the number of indoor and outdoor party restrictions, someone immediately asked, “Is it possible to get married?” Chen Shizhong replied, “Of course! Only two people are married!” The focus is not on “marriage” but on “grouping”, highlighting the absurdity of the problem but not ingenious.

Successful communication often depends on logical and rhetorical expressions. If used subtly and subtly, it can better resolve contradictions and turn reversals into prosperity. From this point of view, Chen Shizhong is undoubtedly a teacher of good communication. He often uses euphemistic rhetoric to dissolve strong implicit opposition. For example, if a journalist continually asks the same question in the same field, he will not say directly, “This has been done right now.” Instead, Mimi returned the smile: “This The question has just been” discharged “, hehe, I’ve answered it once!”

When Zhang Shangchun, the coordinator of the expert panel, was appointed by the journalist because his son was not present, Chen Shizhong said: “It will be transmitted to Professor Zhang, and everyone” missed him. ” A scene that originally seemed to “find trouble” and strayed from the topic of epidemic prevention, instantly warmed up by the warm word “disappeared.”

Chen Shizhong also has brilliant communication wisdom, which is that he never attacks directly when he is “kicked”, but rather positively absorbs and turns into a reverse, and then skillfully resolves negative energy. A classic example, once he was drowned by a journalist, “There is no answer to the question,” he answered softly first: “Don’t make so much noise, we are old, we will inevitably forget some things …” Then there is another. A journalist made a Funny question: “Chen Shizhong is rumored to be a twin. Is it easy to take turns working?” He took advantage of this “Funny April Fool’s Day Question” and said, “Most of me are pretty peaceful, sometimes I’m in a bad mood, so it’s probably my little brother! I’m going to apologize for my little brother.” It seems that I used the “Great Qiankun Shift” to remove the above tension, not only to turn the gods into jade silk, but also to send an April Fool’s Day gift.

High EQ, humor, and subtle communication make Chen Shizhong seem like a powerful talent in “public relations”, but in addition to focusing on fighting the epidemic, he also has a delicate sincerity and the ideal of social reform. An “educator”. Because a journalist suggested that “children don’t like receiving pink masks and are afraid of being laughed at,” the next day, Chen Shizhong led the epidemic prevention team to wear pink masks and lined up in shape. from “men’s team” to demonstrate that “color has no gender”. There is no difference in protection. “The color gender stereotype that is difficult to reverse in sex education is a huge step forward in the” pink wave “that instantly ignited.

Chen Shizhong attended the Legislative Yuan Joint Meeting on March 4. Photo / Photo from United Newspaper
Chen Shizhong attended the Legislative Yuan Joint Meeting on March 4. Photo / Photo from United Newspaper

All the demands come from human nature.

Chen Shizhong led the trend with wisdom and charm, and successfully promoted reform through the accumulated influence of public trust, clearly showing the thought and characteristics of the “leader”. In the actions against the epidemic, he still worked hard and serious off camera. In front of the camera, he said that the team should be discussed, and he did not take credit for himself. A reporter asked, “China Lu Sheng is on the neck of cyber knife holder Chen Shizhong. What do you think of this?” He replied briefly and forcefully: “The prevention of the epidemic depends on the team and I can be replaced at any time.” Modesty and confidence in the team.

As the saying goes: “Epidemic prevention is seen as combat.” Before the press conference ended on March 6, Chen Shizhong suddenly appealed to the public: “Viruses come from two forces, one is physical, the other is psychological … People must unite. If you don’t unite against the virus, you will be destroyed by each virus. ” This conversation shows that he has always led the fight against the epidemic with “combat thinking.”

The Dunmu fleet epidemic broke out on April 18, and the panic confrontation in society began to move. Chen Shizhong made an impromptu sentimental appeal to show his toughness and flexibility. He told people, “A variety of independent incidents are possible, and the attitude we face is” prepare. “When something comes and is found, we have the ability to deal with it.” Like “Sunzi Art of War”> It is mentioned that the general is fighting the enemy, “If you don’t come back, you’ll have to wait.”

He understands the fragility of human nature and also inspires the strength of human nature. He dissects people’s fear when faced with the unknown. The witch hunt for safety only inspires opposition. At the same time, he knows justice for people and calls everyone to support people who suffer with a good heart. Chen Shizhong used simple and honest language to attract the public to follow people. In the most difficult moment, he never forgot to “unite” the other’s heart.

Chen Shizhong, while surrounding the virus and channeling people’s hearts, be it leadership, coordination, communication, or comfort, all appeals always come from “human nature.” When asked by foreign media, “Why is Taiwan’s epidemic prevention so successful?” In addition to the comprehensive preparation and actions of the national society, Chen Shizhong will definitely affirm “the high quality of the people of Taiwan.” This is their trust in human nature and trust in the Chinese people. He replaced warning standards with appeals and persuasion, inspiring people to “wake up to themselves” to rise to the height and quality of being citizens, and then enjoy the normal life that “self-discipline altruism” provides. “Awareness” is the best protection and one of the keys to epidemic prevention in Taiwan.

During the anti-epidemic period, he was depressed and irritable. Why do people want to wait to see Chen Shizhong to hold a press conference every day? Rather than being busy chasing stars and creating gods, it is better to say that people are moved by the wisdom of “IQ, EQ, character, style”. It turned out that “I can become a better person.”

Viruses force people to look directly into the insignificance of human nature, but they also make us feel the spirit: only light in human nature can drive away darkness and illuminate our world again!

(※ The author is a teacher at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures, University of Taiwan. He used to be the editor of Discovery Channel, a translator of popular science books and videos. He is currently a blogger. The article is in “Irene’s Peaceful Nest. “Chen Shizhong? It’s not about” creating a god “, but about seeing” you can become a better person “, and authorizes reprint of” Independent Comment @ 天下 “.)

The command center holds a press conference every day to explain the latest epidemic situation to the public. Figure / Provided by the Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center
The command center holds a press conference every day to explain the latest epidemic situation to the public. Figure / Provided by the Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center

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