92 Kaohsiung Dunmu officers and soldiers refused to cooperate with the epidemic! Chen Shizhong replied-China TV News


92 Kaohsiung Dunmu officers and soldiers refused to cooperate with the epidemic! Chen Shizhong replied | China TV News

Chen Shizhong (provided by the command center)

Xu Junting Taipei City Complete Report

The Kaohsiung City Government Health Bureau held an anti-epidemic press conference this (21) morning, chaired by Kaohsiung Mayor Han Yu. South Korea Yu noted that 92 people refused to cooperate with the epidemic investigation against 350 officers and soldiers from the Dunmu fleet whose family record is in Kaohsiung. In response to this, Chen Shizhong, the commander of the Central Epidemic Outbreak Command Center, responded at an afternoon press conference that he had contacted the local government and hoped that the epidemic investigation staff of the city government Kaohsiung would personally go to the centralized quarantine office for investigation, and also invite staff from the centralized quarantine office. .

Kaohsiung City Conducted the Dunmu Fleet Outbreak Survey 92 People Rejected the Outbreak Survey

South Korea Yu told the Kaohsiung City Health Office Epidemic Prevention Press Conference this morning that 744 officers and soldiers deduced 24 people had been diagnosed, and 350 had their family records in Kaohsiung. Among them, 28 people could not find the information and 92 did not answer the phone. There were 17 errors, 121 people willing to cooperate with the epidemic, and 92 people rejected the epidemic. He said: coordinate the Ministry of National Defense with the command center and cooperate with the Kaohsiung City Health Office. The Kaohsiung City Health Office said the epidemic of Kaohsiung officers and soldiers enrolled in the Dunmu Fleet will restart after today, and we ask everyone to be honest.

Chen Shizhong: I’ve already passed Gaoshifugou

Chen Shizhong responded to this at a press conference at the command center. Conducting epidemic investigations is an act of performing official duties. Public officials with public authority are expected to carry out the execution. However, the city of Kaohsiung encountered a situation in which the relevant personnel found themselves. Some officers and men are unwilling to cooperate. Chen Shizhong said that originally the Gao City Municipal Health Office should use Article 43 of the “Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law”, “Patients and related staff of infectious diseases or suspected infectious diseases should not reject, evade or hinder the inspection, diagnosis, investigation and elimination of the previous paragraph. ” Fines ranging from NT $ 60,000 to NT $ 300,000 will be imposed.

Chen Shizhong noted that after going through the Kaohsiung city government, because using the phone to make epidemic adjustments can cause other problems, if you want to make epidemic adjustments ask the relevant public officials to go to the centralized quarantine office and will ask the quarantine office staff to cooperate. He said he had ordered people into the centralized quarantine office today, hoping that they would not answer the question from people who have not been identified over the phone, to avoid questions such as capital flight or misuse. However, to ensure a better understanding of the epidemic situation, the Kaohsiung City Government did not object, because the investigation was originally the legal authority of the local government, but hoped that investigators of the epidemic could identify themselves and go in person, and they would ask people in the centralized quarantine office to cooperate.

News Source: China TV News
