9 years of non-sexual life, the wife complains that the “tool man husband” raises a small 3. The network is shocked: do you still have the face to say? -Society-China Times News


A couple has been married for 11 years but has separated and slept for 9 years without having sex. The wife found out that her husband has a mistress and they helped each other pay rent and buy an iPhone 12. She couldn’t help but complain online: “Is it my problem? I’m not. I think it’s me.” However, after reading it, netizens almost turned out to be human husbands, exclaiming, “You just have to have your face to say it’s not your problem in this world” and “Your husband really has a problem, and he can bear it for 9 years”.

The wife posted on the Facebook group “Kaobei Husband 2.0” that her husband appears to be raising a young man and they will help each other pay rent, pay for meals and buy the iPhone 12.

The wife reported that the two had been together for 8 years and married for 11 years. He had no children and raised two cats. In the first year after getting married, he didn’t want to work anymore. Every now and then she would take design projects and raise them for her husband.

Husband and wife have been sleeping in separate rooms for a long time due to their different work and rest. “It’s been a long time since I haven’t had sex (about nine years). I don’t want to touch him. Even if he kisses me, I want to wash my face and mouth!” .

Almost all household chores are done by the husband, including pets; the wife watches dramas and comics at home until dawn, and sleeps at home all day, and does not want to go out (if there is a case, she will go out); her husband will buy her food after work Eating, if he wants to come back later for dinner with friends, she can also wait, “Because I don’t want to go shopping alone, I have to change my clothes; even if I have a panda, I don’t want to go down to look for it. It’s so lazy to change my clothes. “

The wife wondered, “Are you in love with the youth club? Why do you give so much to outside women? Is it my problem? I don’t think it’s me …”

This article provoked an enthusiastic response, netizens were shocked and said: “You just have to have your face to say that it is not your problem in this world”, “Your husband really has a problem and can bear it for 9 years”. I think raising a youngster is a problem “.” Her husband is better. He uses it as a person with tools and says that the person with tools is not good. “

Some netizens also flatly said: “You are just tenants under the same roof, right?” “This lifestyle does not feel like a couple, but like living with relatives (brothers and sisters). And there is no resentment or hatred towards each other. If you have a minor, just comply with them. If they divorce, it would be they better become brothers or sisters or friends “,” You are fine! But my husband is like that. No wonder there is a junior. If you want to continue living a comfortable life, just open one eye! After all, your husband has both eyes closed. “

(Zhongshi News Network)
