8 birds and 3 dogs were poisoned to death, his mother was angry and forced him to fly | Apple News | Apple Daily


A caring mother who has been feeding stray animals for a long time in Hsinchu recently discovered that a total of 8 birds and 3 dogs, including dogs that had been feeding for 7 years, were suspected of being poisoned to death. She was angry and took the suspect to the field. This process was posted online for sharing. Many netizens support moms: “The bad heart poisons them, think how painful my mother’s heart hurts.” Shao Baihu, president of the TNVR Association of “Hsinchu City’s Love Wave to Pass Cats and Dogs”, asked everyone to be rational and remember to poison various animals, He can be sentenced to a prison term for a period fixed of not less than 1 year but not more than 5 years, and a fine of not less than 500,000 yuan and not more than 5 million yuan according to the “Animal Protection Law”. The police have not yet received relevant reports, but reminded the public that the use of lynching can involve the crime of injuries according to the Criminal Law and is not substantive justice.

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Shao Baihu noted that the association received a notification stating that 8 birds and 8 dogs were killed by unknown persons by putting poison on them. After being rescued by the association, 5 dogs were successfully rescued, but unfortunately, 3 fur children died of poison. And one of the dogs was a furry boy who had been fed by his mother for 7 years. The mother found a package of pesticides suspected of killing dogs at the scene. A close suspect claimed to be the dog’s killer and strangled his mother: “All the stray dogs come to destroy the fields.” Only when Mom is angry does she lose her senses and lead people to the fields.

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Shao Baihu said that because her mother had been feeding this puppy for 7 years, she was also castrating this stray dog, but she did not expect humans to brutally kill her, and the suspect who was beaten was not life threatening and was only mildly injured. After being coordinated by the association, he knew it was wrong and did not intend to report it to the police. The association also used this to publicize penalties for using drugs to kill animals. At the same time, he hopes that people will love animals and refrain from judging the law.

Shao Baihu noted that, according to Article 25-1 of the Animal Protection Act, those who use drugs to cause multiple deaths of animals in serious circumstances will be sentenced to a fixed prison term of not less than 1 year but not more than 5 years, and a fine of not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 5 million yuan. Shao Baihu said that the weather is already very cold, stray animals are driven into the desert, starvation and freezing, but they also face the danger of death. He expects the public to show empathy and respect and treat other lives with respect and kindness. “The land is not just for humans. It is unnecessary. Kill them all.”

Police said they have not received any relevant reports yet, but they still remind the public that using lynching to cause harm under Penal Law is not substantive justice. Don’t go behind bars just to give animals a break and run into similar incidents. The public can assist in the gathering of evidence and provide authorities with responsibility for investigation and punishment. (Reported by Huang Yixin from the Emergency Center / Hsinchu)

“Apple News” will verify the truth and investigate the truth of Internet rumors.

For this news, we did the following checks:

● The president of “Hsinchu City Wave Love Passing Cats and Dogs TNVR Association” explained the case.

● Hsinchu police call for lynching
