7 million orders were picked up by land! Czech pianist: visit to Taiwan provoked by-Yahoo


  1. 7 million orders were picked up by land! Czech Piano Distributor: Visiting Taiwan Creates Yahoo Qimo
  2. Why did the President of the Czech Parliament turn his face when he returned home? Former diplomat: Cai’s government is not honest with the people
  3. Senate president visits Taiwan and loses orders from China Support from rich Czech businessmen: I will collect 7 million pianos from UDN.
  4. Czech piano merchant loses 7 million orders from China due to speaker’s visit to Taiwan, wealthy and dominant buy and donate to school’s Free Times e-newsletter
  5. Queries are broken! Czech “I am Taiwanese” T-shirt website negotiates with Taiwanese companies Zhongsanli News Network
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report