51-year-old man vomited and died 10 days after flu shot – Taiwan Apple Daily


  1. 51-year-old man vomited 10 days after receiving flu shot
  2. A 51-year-old man from Taichung was admitted to the intensive care unit 10 days after receiving influenza vaccine @ 东森新闻 CH51 东森新闻 CH51
  3. Relatives of a 51-year-old man who are in danger of being vaccinated cry: people who cannot accept health thus become udn UNRWA!
  4. Taichung man stayed in intensive care unit after receiving a flu shot
  5. Huo.com Comments: What the Government Didn’t Say About Vaccines (Liao Jianyu) Apple Daily, Taiwan
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report