5 North Korean Officials At Dinner Approve Current Politician Kim Jong-Un Ordering All Family Members To Be Shot And Jailed- 时 新闻 网 Chinatimes.com


  1. 5 North Korean officials hold a dinner and approve of Kim Jong-un’s ordering that his family members be shot to death and his family members imprisoned. Chinatimes.com
  2. Witnessing an informant executed by antiaircraft artillery Uncle Kim Jong-un is afraid of urinary incontinence UDN United News Network
  3. Upon witnessing the execution of two informants with antiaircraft weapons, Uncle Kim Jong-un was afraid of urinary incontinence
  4. Watching his cronies executed by antiaircraft artillery, “exploded to the soles of his feet”, Uncle Kim Jong-un was afraid of leaking urine Taiwan Apple Daily
  5. Upon witnessing the “antiaircraft execution” of a close friend, Uncle Kim Jong-un was afraid of diapers, Yahoo News
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report