5 days, 3 accidents and 2 deaths from National Taiwan University. President Guan Zhongmin’s Open Letter: Obviously We Are Not Working Hard Enough | Life | SETN.COM


Reporter Chen Yi / Taipei Report

The tragedy of the death of two students at National Taiwan University, the “first institution” in China, occurred recently. President Guan Zhongmin mentioned in an open letter to the teachers and students of the school that we had lost two of our classmates. It is a pity that we cannot avoid the regrets. Hope All students seek help when they encounter difficulties, “We are all one family.”

▲ There were 3 accidents in 5 days at National Taiwan University and 2 students died. (Photo by reporter Chen Yi)

Two cases of student deaths occurred at National Taiwan University before today (13). Unexpectedly, another student in his 20s fell out of the Academy of Social Sciences building this afternoon and fell into the pool in front of the library. The police disappeared after being reported. Upon reaching the scene, people were sent to the doctor for treatment, many students witnessed the process and were shocked and lost.

On the afternoon of the incident, NTU President Guan Zhongmin just sent a letter to the school’s teachers and students, feeling sad that the first two regrets were not avoided in time. Guan Zhongmin said that apart from the pain, we can only deal with it in a positive way to prevent the tragedy from happening again. Although the school tried to avoid similar incidents, the results showed that these efforts were obviously not enough. He urged all students to seek help if they encounter problems or difficulties. Students need to care for, support and encourage each other, and need to be more dependent on each other at this time. We are all a family.

▲ The president of National Taiwan University, Guan Zhongmin, sent an open letter to all teachers and students. (Photo / provided by readers)

Full text of Guan Zhongmin’s open letter to teachers and students:

Dear Students of National Taiwan University:

This week we have lost two of our dear companions, I think they all feel pain and sadness as deep as I do. Even though the school has adopted various methods to help teachers, students, and colleagues, we are still saddened that we did not avoid this regret in time.

Aside from pain, we must deal with it positively to prevent similar things from happening in the future. For many important issues of common concern, including preventive hardware improvement and physical and mental health support for teachers and students, although the school has been hard at work, these efforts are obviously not enough.

At noon on the 12th, the school invites all the academic administrative directors to discuss together, ask the supervisors of each department to help transfer all the tutors, contact all the tutors as soon as possible and learn more about the physical conditions and mental health of the students to provide the necessary assistance. I also sincerely appeal to all students, if they encounter any problems or difficulties, be sure to seek the help of teachers and schools, and I hope that students can also care for, support and encourage each other.

Right now, we must trust each other more. We are all a family, as long as everyone feels the need, the school is always by your side, ready to provide you with the assistance you need. Appreciate yourself, worry about your classmates, let us work through difficulties together.

Director Guan Zhongmin Jinshang

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