4 people in the National Institute of the Sea diving operation floated away and were rescued on a land ship and immediately quarantined-Society-China Times News


4 people in the National Oceanographic Institute diving operation drifted away and were rescued by a land ship (provided by the Ocean Commission and the Maritime Patrol Administration)
4 people in the National Oceanographic Institute diving operation drifted away and were rescued by a land ship (provided by the Ocean Commission and the Maritime Patrol Administration)

There was an accident at the Penghu submarine operation of the National Institute of Oceanography. Four staff members were working under the sea near the shallow Qimei Taiwan reactor in the morning and did not return to sea at the scheduled time. The Department of Maritime Patrol ship and Air Crew Black Hawk helicopter conducted search and rescue operations by sea and air. Four people who had lost contact for 5 hours were found and rescued by an inland fishing boat at night. Based on the safety of epidemic prevention, the health unit requires the four people rescued by the mainland fishing boats to return to the port of Magong to maintain safe social distancing, and the disease management office will send a car to the settlement. temporary home isolation for 14 days.

Research assistants and other staff members of the National Institute for Marine Research were rescued ashore.  (Provided by China Ocean University / Faxed by Ke Zongwei Kaohsiung)
Research assistants and other staff members of the National Institute for Marine Research were rescued ashore. (Provided by China Ocean University / Faxed by Ke Zongwei Kaohsiung)

At 2:53 this afternoon, the Penghu Marine Patrol Team received a notification that in the morning, the recreational fishing boat “Happy 168” was carrying 5 marine investigators and dive instructors, and was heading out to sea for southwest and west of Qimei for 57 miles. 1 National Institute of Oceanography Your Last Name Research Assistant, 2 Manufacturers, and 1 Instructor completed the “Study of Marine Life in Southwestern Taiwan Waters” task. 4 people lost contact after diving into the sea. They were searched by the captain of Happy 168 and were not seen at 1:30 am due to a bad signal. In addition, there was not enough fuel to return to the waters of Penghu, and a report was made to the patrol area at 2:30.

The accident of the submarine operation occurred in the waters of the shallow Penghu Qimei Taiwan.  (Newspaper information photo)
The accident of the underwater operation occurred in the waters of the shallow Penghu Qimei Taiwan. (Newspaper information photo)

The Fleet Sub-Administration, Jinma-Peng Sub-Administration and the patrol area immediately established a response center and sent the “Kaohsiung Ship” and Penghu Marine Patrol Online ships 5053 and 10066 to register. At the same time, they requested an aerial helicopter from the National Search Center and notified Penghu Fishery Radio to broadcast The fishing boat assisted in the search and finally received a tip from the local Penghu captain, Ye, at 4:44 pm, that 4 people had been rescued by a land fishing boat.

Since 4 people were rescued by a mainland fishing vessel, the search and rescue unit contacted the mainland fishing vessel directly due to the disturbance of the cross-strait situation. The merchant asked the local fishing boat in Penghu to come forward and help pick up the 4 staff members. The Kaohsiung Sea Cruise was on duty throughout the entire process, and then our fishing boat took the four people to Magong Port. It is understood that the staff were safe and sound, and returned to Magong at 8. Director Qiu Yongfang had already flown to Penghu at 6.30.

According to preliminary information, it was suspected that the four people had been removed from the launch site by strong currents, which after traveling a considerable distance were found and rescued by a continental fishing vessel. Lin Yingbin, vice president of the National Academy of Oceanography, noted that this “study of marine organisms in the waters of southwestern Taiwan” was the first study conducted in the middle of this year, and this is the second. Among the 4 people who lost contact, 3 of them were the original team. Experience and familiarity, and have qualified diving equipment and GPS positioning, equipped with quite complete.

Lin Yingbin said that he was originally scheduled to dive for half an hour to investigate ecological changes on the seabed of the water area and take underwater photography. However, after the scheduled time, the four people still did not surface. Fortunately, they were searched and rescued by a fishing boat and there were no physical discomforts such as loss of temperature. As for the exact cause of the incident and how far the rescued location is from the dive site, etc., it will be investigated and clarified once all 4 people have landed.

As the four people had contact with mainland fishermen, quarantine staff from the Penghu County Health Office immediately carried out disinfection operations after landing and urgently coordinated temporary resettlement facilities to implement home isolation during 14 days.

(Zhongshi News Network)
