“4.8kg rag” in the tail teeth? Boss puts 35 years of cutting love and goes crazy: make big profits | New | NOWnews Today News


“4.8kg Rag” on Tail Teeth? Boss Puts 35 Years of Cutting Love and Goes Crazy – Make Big Profits | New | NOWnews Today

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“4.8 kg rag” on the tail teeth? The boss went crazy after 35 years of cutting love

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-22 18:40:00

Lao Cai
▲ Some netizens pointed out that they received a big gift from the boss when their tails were pulled out, but when they opened them, they found that they were 35-year-old dried vegetables weighing 4.8 kg. (Photo / Flip photo on Facebook of Cooking Commune)

The end of the year is near. Many companies and startups will organize specific activities to empathize with the hard work of their employees, and there will even be giveaways to reward their employees for their efforts over the past year. However, some netizens pointed out that he took out a great gift from his boss when he opened his teeth, but when he opened it, he found it to be a “black rag” weighing 4.8 kg, which had been in place for 35 years, and had no choice. than yelling “No, I know how to get these things!” However, many of those inside just saw it and yelled, “I have made a profit!”

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The original PO posted a post on the Facebook club “Cooking Commune”, saying that the company recently held a year-end giveaway and that he was lucky enough to receive a gift from the boss, but when he opened the gift, he found out it was like a mess of dirty laundry. The object is actually 35-year-old canned vegetables in the boss’s house.

▲ The original PO stated that he won the
▲ The original PO noted that he won the boss’s “35-year-old dried vegetables”. (Photo / Flip photo on Facebook of Cooking Commune)

Although he won a great gift from the boss, he must first bring home the 4.8 kg of dried canned vegetables. After not cooking the ingredients, he also said helplessly in the article: “But I will not do this at all! I am! I plan to use it to cook soup, but I do not know if it is about 500 grams per chicken. I pray to the gods that guide me “.

▲ original PO asks how to cook.  (Image / photo reversed on Facebook from Cooking Commune)
▲ original PO asks how to cook. (Image / photo reversed on Facebook from Cooking Commune)

As soon as the post came out, many netizens immediately attracted discussions, “XD, I saw that the original poster in the middle was very helpless”, “I want to use a rag to lie to myself”, “Is this a dry bat?” , “I just didn’t. Take a closer look at the dead rat that thinks it’s a worm,” “This kind of thing is no different from garbage in the hands of people who don’t know how to cook. Is it suitable for extracting the final teeth? “,” Did the boss break the urn and look for it lazily? The bottle was corked, so I reluctantly cut off my love and took it out.

However, many connoisseurs shout with envy: “This is very expensive, a good thing”, “Great prizes! You may not be able to buy it if you have money, the real product”, “This can be sold for money … No waste it, you can give it to me “,” When the price was high a while ago, it was 300,000 the malicious one in 35 years, but now it is not cheap, it costs around 1,000 “,” The best black gold ~ 4.8 kilograms, so much ~ How can the boss be willing “,” God Ah! Dorado! The soup is delicious. “,

Plus, there are also old-fashioned gluttons who share cooking methods, saying bluntly, “The way we’re cooking. About 4-5 slices. Add some chunks of fresh dried veggies. Most importantly add some clams to keep it fresh. For your reference “,” Before I drank Lao Cai breed chicken soup for a while. Tastes sweet and not bad. “” Too much … First rinse, rinse, cut into small pieces and soak in water. About 2- 3 pieces of dried vegetables per chicken is good. Otherwise, it will pop salty. ” (Editor: Chen Yayun)

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