3Q’s brother threw Zheng Tiancai over his shoulder! For the first time to catch “Ge ~” Yan Kuanheng yells: Bai Wei | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Political Center / Reported by Chen Jialing

President Su Zhenchang went to the Legislative Yuan today to deliver his political speech. The Blue Committee continued to boycott. A physical conflict broke out between the blue and green sides. The Kuomintang even removed offal and pig skins. The scene was chaotic. Chen Baiwei was even more dissatisfied when he was picking up trash on the ground. Zheng Tiancai stopped him, overturned the trash can, and performed a splendid shoulder drop at the scene, causing the internet to frantically repost this video. Former legislator Yan Kuanheng, a former legislator from the last legislature and a rival of Chen Baiwei, mentioned “Chen Baiwei” on Facebook for the first time after the elections. He shouted publicly: “Bai Wei, even if you can fight again, The Kuomintang was killed, so what?” Chen Baiwei also announced another surveillance video to restore the entire conflict. It turned out that Zheng Tiancai was provoked by turning the trash can.

▲ For the legislative conflict, Yan Kuanheng mentioned his former opponent “Chen Baiwei” on Facebook for the first time. (Image / Rotating screen)

Former legislator Yan Kuanheng, who was defeated by former Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party legislator Chen Baiwei in the last legislature, has always been a topic of discussion from pre-election to post-election. The conflict between the Legislative Council and the fall of Chen Baiwei’s shoulder also made his own name “rare and for the first time” appear on Yan Kuanheng’s Facebook. Yan Kuanheng’s PO article: “Bo Wei, even if you can fight again and kill the KMT, what about that? The political arena may be different, but the determination to protect people’s health should be no different “. Lan Ying The direct point was Chen Baiwei’s hands, but Chen Baiwei also revealed another angle of the video on Facebook to restore the conflict process. At that time, the ground was littered with pig innards spilled by the Kuomintang legislators. Chen Baiwei squatted with a garbage bag and squatted the internal organs one by one After cleaning, Zheng Tiancai came over and threw down the garbage can. Chen Baiwei, who had originally crouched on the ground, stood up and used the “Rotten Wood Fall” judo fighting technique on the spot. At this time, the blue committee swarmed and besieged.

▲ Chen Baiwei posted another angled image on Facebook, restoring the wick of the shoulder drop conflict. (Image / Rotating screen)

Chen Baiwei also explained that he had to use his raincoat as a garbage bag to clean the pig’s entrails. When he picked it up halfway, Zheng Tiancai walked over and threw away the trash, “I just wanted to push him, I don’t know why he was so vigorous.” He could chase and hit, but he didn’t hit from start to finish. Many netizens said after watching the video: “The truth is revealed!”, “People are cleaning and they have to overturn the garbage can. They just threw it …”, “I fell on the spot with a shoulder ! ” It’s a bit cured to look 10 times and laugh 10 times “.” Standard shoulder drop “means it’s just picking up trash off the ground”, “Why would anyone want to dump things for nothing?” Even the DPP stood up. Wei Lai Pinyu also commented, “I need to wash my hair and cause trouble.” “It is a pity that” Escape from the Legislative Yuan “was not published during this time.”
