2A long distance smokes in Carrefour, pee is wanted for meat! Private online news dumbfounded: seconds blocked | New | NOWnews Today News


2A long distance smokes in Carrefour, pee is wanted for meat! Private online news dumbfounded: seconds blocked | New | NOWnews Today News

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2A long distance smokes in Carrefour, pee is wanted for meat! Private message from Net Yi stunned: seconds blocked

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-22 06:03:52

▲ A netizen posted 3 videos on
▲ A netizen posted 3 videos on “Dcard”, and there were male students who were released directly at Carrefour. (Image / Obtained from “Dcard”)

A netizen was skating the IG for a limited time and accidentally discovered that a group of “babies” were urinating and smoking directly at Carrefour, and she recorded the entire PO. After the end, they left with a smile on their faces. The exaggerated behavior also made netizens look the other way. Going down, forwarding the video to the internet, a lot of netizens got so upset after seeing them, they also looked for the IGs of two students and some people tried to send them private messages but they drowned, which was dumbfounded.

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A netizen posted an article on Dcard on the 21st on the topic “Peeing at Carrefour?” And he attached three videos: In the first video, boy number one in a white jacket and jeans was lying on the Carrefour apartment and smoking. Smoke, another scene turned to him standing next to the pee snack area, and the girl’s laughter was heard from the side.

▲ Netizens discovered that a student smoked and urinated in Carrefour Mall. (Image / flip Dcard)
▲ Netizens discovered that a student smoked and urinated in Carrefour Mall. (Image / flip Dcard)

The second and third sections of the film are another boy dressed in a white jacket and black sweatpants. He also stands unscrupulously aside and urinates openly. There are cookies, instant noodles, and other items on the merchandise shelves. After liberation, he turned around and A group of people frolicked and left.

After the video was exposed, netizens stimulated the gangs. Some even looked up the accounts of two people. As a result, a person was filled with messages and closed the version and tried to send a private message saying “What about your friends? How did you close the version?” Thinking of the child, he recorded a voice response, “Mother XX is Xiao Xiao. What are you talking about without you?” After seeing such an impolite response, the netizen quickly blocked it.

▲ A netizen tried to send a private message to one of the donkeys but was criticized by the voice against the country.  (Image / flip Dcard)
▲ A netizen tried to send a private message to one of the morons but was criticized by the voice against the country. (Image / flip Dcard)

In this regard, Carrefour also previously responded, stating that after the incident, the store staff not only conducted related investigations, but also called the police. At present, the right to prosecution is reserved for these two people, and it is emphasized that it is not that they cannot be forgiven, and that the other party is still a student. The two people are expected to show their sincerity and show up to the store as soon as possible to apologize in person, and they will also expect compensation for related losses. Later, if you have not expected an apology, you will also take legal channels, and they will not rule you out. (Editor: Zhang Jiazhe)

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 Remember that smoking can lead to lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. Do not smoke under 18 years!

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