- 25-year-old numerologist persecuted 62-year-old adult widow the following year! 8 million inheritance result published, Taiwan Apple Daily
- The “last” 25-year-old numerologist went after 62-year-old lilong to make her a widow next year to fight for the inheritance @ 东森新闻 CH51 东森新闻 CH51
- A 24-year-old numerologist persecuted her 61-year-old man, who became a widow the following year and received an inheritance of 8 million. Free Times Newsletter
- The numerologist persecuted the elders when she met the “True Son”! Widowhood in 1 year … The result of the fight for the inheritance of 8 million revealed ETtoday News Cloud
- The numerologist marries the 37-year-old “True Life Chief” and wins the UDN lawsuit against the inheritance of 8 million
- Go to Google News to see the full report