171 close contacts of Quanta Sister were collected, and 27 had symptoms-Life-Zhongshi


A local case of new corona pneumonia broke out in Taiwan after 253 days. It was because the New Zealand pilot was still walking away during the independent health management period. Taoyuan Mayor Zheng Wencan named the airline responsible. As for the female employees infected by the pilot, it was on the 14th. She developed symptoms and asked not to go to work after finding her on the 19th. It is “unfortunately fortunate” to reduce contacts. Currently, 171 people listed are all negative. The police department has instructions to conduct a thorough investigation based on the trajectory of the mobile phone. The results are expected to be released this afternoon.

Health Commissioner Wang Wenyan noted that the New Zealand pilot (Case 765) only flew to the United States twice late last month. During the independent health management period, he had a wide range of activities. If he did not cooperate with the epidemic, he would be fined 300,000 yuan. Zheng Wencan said bluntly that the pilots were still hanging around during the independent health management period, highlighting the doubts of the management mechanism. The airline that appointed the airline must take joint and several responsibility, and the pilots must not allow the prevention of the epidemic to break down.

Zheng Wencan said that the New Zealand pilot had infected a total of 3 people, 2 pilots and 1 woman of his own nationality (case 771). The woman worked and lived in Taoyuan and her activities spread throughout Beitao. Please be especially hygienic. The office and the police station want to keep track of your activity history. It currently ranks 171st. The initial test was negative. However, among the 27 people in close contact, some of them had symptoms and a second test was required, although the symptoms may not necessarily be a new coronary pneumonia. But for the sake of safety and epidemic prevention, the highest standards are required to prevent congestion.

Wang Wenyan said that with the help of the police he traced the pilot’s path and chased the female employees. He mentioned that he arrived at the door on the 19th and asked him not to go to work on the 20th to reduce contact with colleagues. “It is a great fortune in misfortune!” Headaches and nasal congestion symptoms appeared on days 14 and 15. Employees’ contacts are listed from 14 to 18. After Monday’s diagnosis, the epidemic investigation and occupational risk assessment were conducted overnight and 171 people were inspected, of which 27 were close. Contact tracing and secondary mining are required to assess the level of risk. The secondary mining results are expected to be released today.

Zheng Wencan also instructed the police station to carry out a thorough inspection based on the mobile phone trajectory map to see the range of activities of the female employees. He stressed that there should be no fish slipping through the net to avoid becoming an epidemic prevention offense, and called on the public to go for inspections if they have been to the advertised locations. The city government will continue to monitor and the Environmental Protection Agency will also carry out comprehensive disinfection, in hopes of minimizing the risk.

Zheng Wencan stressed that the epidemic prevention and safety period for female employees should start on the 18th and will continue to follow the 14-day risk period. On the 24th and 28th, a continuous review of epidemic prevention measures will take place to ensure that there are no gaps in epidemic prevention.

(During the middle)
