10 US states USA They don’t go back to 51 to resume work. Trump Subsidy Drowns “Rioters Have Many Requirements For Captain” | International | New Headshell Newtalk


United States President Trump tried to resume some industries on May 1 and also threatened that the governor of the Wuhan Pneumonia Grant would be

The President of the United States, Trump, tried to resume some industries on May 1 and also threatened that the governor of the Wuhan pneumonia subsidy be “compliant.” Photo: Photo taken from the Facebook movie of the White House in the United States

The pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan continues to spread. More than 600,000 people have been diagnosed and more than 26,000 people have died in the United States. Until now, it has become the most severe country in the world. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, is working hard in some industries in May. Work resumed on 1st. However, Trump’s expectations are not only faced by US epidemic prevention general Anthony Fauci, saying the May 1 restart target is “a little too optimistic,” and 10 states, including New York in the United States. , have announced that they will decide to resume work on their own, but that Trump, thinking that “he has the last word,” was still tweeting yesterday (14) days. “Mutineers have many requirements for the captain.” .

According to the analysis of the unemployment data of the EE. In the USA, the total number of unemployment in the last 4 weeks has exceeded 22 million. Desperate to revive the economy, regardless of the state’s epidemic prevention progress, Trump insists that some states in the United States may lift the shutdown on May 1. However, including New York, a total of ten states formed an alliance and decided to ignore the federal government and decide when to resume work. In response, Trump responded by saying that when the United States resumes work, it must be your account. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo also fought Trump, simply calling himself a “king.” Trump was unwilling to drown New York state again, “I want to be independent at all.” He also tweeted the old movie “Mutiny on the Bounty” alluding to the Democratic Governor’s attempt to mutiny and mention “the mutiny to the captain.” There are many lawsuits “that threaten the governor who opposes him. If economic activities are not restarted according to his requirements, Wuhan federal pneumonia subsidies and epidemic prevention materials can be withheld, and such threats obviously have had a role.

“I cannot pay the price of arguing with the White House.” Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer said these costs are the risk of losing masks, respirators and personal protective equipment that healthcare workers urgently need. When Trump opened a video conference with the governors of various states last week, the governors of the two sides asked for Trump’s help; Even California Governor Gavin Newsom, who has always criticized Trump, chose to change his mouth to praise Trump’s focus on finding the Wuhan pneumonia virus. Antidote, and thanks to Trump for epidemic prevention materials.

At a press conference in March, Trump asked Vice President Pence Don to waste time calling the governors of Washington and Michigan and said, “If you don’t treat me kindly, I won’t call.” He did not confess: “I What I want is simple. I want them to be grateful. I do not want them to lie. I want them to be grateful.” He even asked the federal government to write a ransom check and put his name on the record check. Being criticized when talking about political issues is often like talking about personal business, using personal relationships and interests to exchange chips, rather than depending on national responsibility.

In the face of the rebound, Trump informed the White House Rose Garden during his briefing that the plan to end the national blockade and restart the economy is nearing completion, and that he will “authorize” the governor to let states make the decisions. appropriate. Time to implement the plan. He said that it is possible to speak to the governors of the 50 states via videoconference on the 16th. The seven states on the east coast of the United States (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Rhode Island and Massachusetts) are They joined on the 14th to reach a regional agreement to lift the ban and restart the economy. In addition, all three west coast states (California, Washington, Oregon) announced a “Western State Agreement” that agreed to reopen the economy based on health outcomes.

The pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan continues to spread. More than 600,000 people have been diagnosed and more than 26,000 have died in the United States. Until now, it has become the worst country in the world. President Donald Trump, who is eager to revive the economy, is working hard. Some industries resumed work on May 1. However, Trump’s expectations are not only faced by US epidemic prevention general Anthony Fauci, saying the May 1 restart target is “a little too optimistic,” and 10 states, including New York in the United States. , have announced that they will decide to resume work on their own, but that Trump, thinking that “he has the last word,” tweeted yesterday (14) that “the mutineers have many demands on the captain” and also alluded to the governor’s riot attempt. democrat.
