10.Former US Defense Secretary jointly asked for one thing Lin Zhuoshui was terrified of after reading – Politics – China Times


The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, will take office on the 20th. However, because current President Trump has not yet admitted that he lost the election, he insists that the elections have drawbacks and that the transfer of power can be matter of concern. On the 4th, 10th the former US Defense Secretary jointly wrote to the US media “Washington Post”, asking the US military not to intervene in the transfer of power. In this regard, former DPP legislator Lin Zhuoshui bluntly said that the United States must be sick, and it is quite serious.

The Washington Post published a joint article on the 4th, which included ten former US Defense Secretaries, calling: “The US military must stay away from elections and, without mobilizing troops, help the transfer of power from the US president and make a peaceful transition The new government also noted that the Ministry of Defense should cooperate in a comprehensive and transparent manner in the transition process to promote the inauguration of the new government.

The article noted that, with the exception of Lincoln’s election as president in 1860, which ultimately led to the secession of many southern states that supported slavery and the outbreak of civil war in the United States, the United States has maintained a record peaceful transition of power.

Including Mark Esper and James Mattis, who were appointed and removed during Trump’s tenure, both stated in their articles that the November 3 presidential elections have been counted and that the US Federal Court has legalized them. After solving the challenge, the governor also verified the results of the scrutiny, considered that the time for interrogations was over and emphasized that “it is time to officially confirm the results of the Electoral College.”

According to extensive media reports, among the 10 former defense ministers, in addition to the two mentioned above, the other eight former defense ministers include Dick Cheney, William Cohen, Ashton Carter and Leon Panetta. ), Perry (William Perry), Gates (Robert Gates), Rumsfeld (Donald Rumsfeld), Hager (Chuck Hagel).

Ten former US defense secretaries jointly called on the military not to intervene in the transfer of power! Is the situation so serious? Do you need a joint appeal from 10 former US defense ministers? America must be sick and it’s pretty serious.

Posted by Lin Zhuoshui on Monday, Jan 4, 2021

Regarding the joint appeal of 10 former US defense secretaries, Lin Zhuoshui responded on Facebook on the 4th: “Is the situation that dire? Do 10 former US defense secretaries need joint appeals? The US must be sick. and it’s pretty serious. “

Article Source: Washington Post

(Zhongshi News Network)
