1 million doses of vaccine blocked? Chen Shizhong complains about his complaints: external forces have always been interfering | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Life Center / Reported by Lin Yanjun

The global epidemic is severe, and European and American countries have been vaccinating them one after another. As for when will Taiwan administer the vaccine? Today (28), the assembly of the “Special Budget No. 3 of the future-oriented infrastructure design of the central government” is concerned about epidemic prevention and vaccine preparation by the epidemic command center. KMT legislator Zeng Mingzong asked: what is the situation with the procurement of vaccines abroad? Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shizhong said frankly that “there has always been outside interference.”

▲ What is the status of purchasing vaccines abroad? Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shizhong said frankly that “there has always been outside interference.” (Image / recovered from Congress Channel)

Faced with the second wave of the international epidemic, coupled with the emergence of a variant of the virus in the UK, the world is panicking. Kuomintang lawmaker Lai Shibao questioned whether the first batch of 1 million doses will enter Taiwan no matter when the vaccine arrives. Lai Geng said bluntly why the command center did not make the status of the vaccine public and transparent, as a “black box” operation, causing panic among the people. In this regard, Chen Shizhong said that 1 million doses have been negotiated with each manufacturer since June, requesting “If we can give ourselves 1 million doses first, and give ourselves within a certain period of time, we are willing to buy more and hope to use this as a negotiation. ” Conditions, but I have always encountered great difficulties. I don’t want to announce it to the public because I’m afraid external pressure will interfere. “

DPP lawmaker Zhuang Ruixiong said that it is clear that Taiwan is currently having great difficulties in obtaining vaccines from abroad. Some people hope to have a “national vaccine team” so that national vaccines can be up and running as soon as possible. Chen Shizhong replied that domestic vaccines can also be expected. The current plan for Phase II subjects is 3,000 plus 500 people, 3,000 people are the experimental group and 500 people are the control group.

However, the Kuomintang legislator Fei Hongtai slapped Chen Shizhong on whether the number of samples of 3000 plus 500 people is too small. “On the other hand, the number of foreign samples is more than 30,000.” Fei Hongtai also said that the purchase of foreign vaccines should be announced as soon as possible, and Singapore Both Hong Kong and Hong Kong ban British flights, but Taiwan does not impose restrictions. I wonder if Chen Shizhong is really that relieved. If there is a violation, someone must be responsible. Chen Shizhong pointed out that the vaccines must be legally promised before launch. Regarding the high level of alert for the British flight command center, Chen Shizhong expressed his confidence in preventing the epidemic in Taiwan. “The centralized quarantine station in Taiwan is well equipped and can be detected early and can be clearly separated from the outside world.”

Chen Shizhong also said that he is very alert to any changes. The report notes that the new variant of the virus spreads rapidly, but there is basically no fundamental change in the sequence. Therefore, previously designed vaccines are still effective. “Although no one dares to talk about future development., But the vaccine is still effective.” As for the timing of the vaccine in Taiwan? Chen Shizhong said that the entire vaccine policy will be announced this Wednesday (30 ).
