Synthesis of Rofen Polymorphs by Borogen Hydrogen

Hydrogenating borofen

The two-dimensional material borofen, which forms on the surface of silver, has a variety of polymorphisms and is thought to have unusual materials and electronic properties. However, it is highly unstable outside the ultrahigh vacuum state and easily oxidizes, which hinders the exploration of its properties. Lee Et al. These substances are hydrogenated from atomic hydrogen and showed that borofen has low local function. This material is stable in the air for days, and borofen can be run thermally away from hydrogen.

Science, The issue p. 1143


Synthetic two-dimensional polymorphs of boron or borofen attract attention due to their anisotropic metallurgy, correlated electron phenomena, and various superlatives structures. Although borofen heterostructures have been realized, the ordered chemical modification of borofen has not been reported. Here, we synthesize “borofen” P ”limorph by borofen with atomic hydrogen in ultrahig vacuum. By atomic-scale imaging, spectroscopy, and first-principle calculations, the most prevalent borofen polymorph consists of a combination of two-center-two-electron boron-hydrogen and three-center-two-electron boron-hydrogen-boron bonds. Borofen polymorphs are metallic with local function and can be re-converted to pre-borofen by thermal dissociation of hydrogen. Hydrogenation also provides chemical deactivation because borofen reduces the magnification oxidation rate by more than two orders of magnitude after ambient exposure.