The joint Christmas show by comedian Per Andersson and Måns Zelmerlöw ran into technical problems. Stock Photography.
The Christmas show “Tomten & bocken” with Måns Zelmerlöw and Per Andersson would have been broadcast live from Hamburger Börs in Stockholm on Wednesday night. About 5,000 tickets sold and high pressure on the site caused the Showtic company website to crash.
– There is enormous pressure on this performance, so server capacity is being removed, producer Mikael Solfors told the newspaper overnight.
But the organizers and technical support failed to get the broadcast in order and in the end those who had bought a ticket to the show received an email:
“Unfortunately, we have issues that are beyond our control, which means that unfortunately we will not be able to host tonight’s event. More information coming soon. Again, we are very sorry about what happened.”
TT has applied for the production company.