“You should switch to winter tires now”


On Tuesday, an area of ​​heavy snow is moving over Dalarna. Earlier this week it was expected to primarily affect Västerdalarna. But now the forecast has fluctuated, says meteorologist Lasse Rydqvist of the Stormgeo meteorological institute.

– It can locally produce large amounts of snow in Dalarna. It’s not impossible for SMHI to issue a warning, he says.

Most of the precipitation is expected in southern Dalarna. However, it is not yet known whether it will fall as rain or snow.

– It is right on the border of the rain that is in the south of Värmland, Västmanland and Uppland. But if there is snow, it can be up to a decimeter, says Lasse Rydqvist.

– Otherwise, it is between two and five centimeters. Further north, there are not that many, continue.

You can expect clearly unstable weather on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

For those who still drive on summer tires, it may be a good idea to put on winter tires now.

– Both the road and visibility conditions can be difficult. There is a risk of local snow and ice.

– If you have the opportunity to switch to winter tires, you should do it now. You have to do it now and you have to do it when winter road conditions are expected.

The snowfall is expected to turn into rain on Wednesday, but may remain in the north. Lasse Rydqvist believes that the probability of remaining snow cover is greatest in the Dala Mountains. A new snowfall area is approaching on Thursday.

– It comes in rounds and can clearly count on unstable weather on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, says Lasse Rydqvist.
