Woman raped by strangers in Stockholm | News


Police received an alarm about the incident at 2:20 p.m. on Wednesday. Later, a woman had been raped by a stranger inside a property in Vårberg.

On their website, the police write that the woman is shocked and has been taken to hospital for examination. A police patrol is there with her, so she can hear about the incident.

Police have cordoned off the crime scene and technicians are working on the scene. They have also had the help of a criminal search dog.

No suspect has been arrested.

“Several patrols and dog patrols are in Vårberg and they are looking for the perpetrator, looking for witnesses, knocking on doors and checking surveillance cameras.”writes the police on their website.

A preliminary investigation into the rape was launched, but the police are silent on the course of events.

– I cannot provide more information but we are working intensively with the case. We are there and knocking on doors, that is the relevant thing, but if you have information that you can link in some way to this incident, you can call 114 14, says Eva Nilsson, press spokeswoman for the police in the Stockholm region.
