It was at Släpharvsgatan in Bifrost that a strange man jumped from behind a woman in her 50s. According to the police, he tried to snatch her bag but was unsuccessful when the woman resisted.
– The public must have helped her and the attacker ran out of the place in the direction of Hemköp. During questioning, the woman is said to have stated that she did not believe the man had taken anything with him, says Christer Fuxborg, a press spokesman for the West Region police.
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“We don’t know if it was a weapon”
After the incident, the woman was very shocked.
– She is surprised but states that she is not hurt. Now we listen to witnesses and search the immediate area. According to the information, the man must have had an object in his hand. We don’t know if it was a weapon, but we have some suspicions. We keep them for them right now, says Christer Fuxborg.
In addition to several units withdrawing, a dog patrol was also called to the scene to support the search.
– A dog has been placed, but no one has yet been found or arrested.
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The police were ready at the scene shortly after nine. No clues were found and they also ran a search with the help of Västtrafik.
– There are suspicions that he may have left the place by car, says Christer Fuxborg.
The case has now been transferred to internal reconnaissance and the incident is classified as attempted robbery.
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