“Why do I have so much gas at night?”


Upset stomach and gas can have many causes.

1 of 2: Upset stomach and gas can have many causes.
Photo: Shutterstock

Dietitian Sofia Antonsson responds and gives advice.

2 of 2: Dietitian Sofia Antonsson responds and gives advice.

It’s pretty embarrassing, but I have a lot of gas in my stomach, often at night. Can I change my diet to avoid it?

// Minna

Dietitian Responds: May Be IBS

I understand that you find it embarrassing and it is common for the stomach to enlarge during the day, become anxious, and form gas towards the night. Depending on whether you have other symptoms such as bloating, pain, or intestinal problems like diarrhea or constipation, you may have IBS. So it’s good to go to a doctor and do some research and then get help from a dietitian for a FODMAP diet.

Ask your dietitian

Sofia Antonsson is a dietitian and dietician.

Send your questions to: [email protected]

If you don’t feel any other symptoms, FODMAP may help, but more likely, you just need to eliminate and replace certain foods. The worst gas-producing foods are onions, garlic, beans, wheat, rye, and lactose. Plus, there are unexpected stomach cramps like avocados, mushrooms, cauliflower, and sugar peas. Chewing gum, carbonated drinks, and coffee can also cause gas. It is not always easy to understand which food is causing the problems and so it is good to seek help.
