White powder sent to a mosque in Gothenburg


Gothenburg Mosque. Stock Photography.Image: Björn Larsson Rosvall / TT

A threatening letter containing white powder was sent to the Gothenburg mosque, reports Göteborgs-Posten.

The case is the latest in a series of similar events in Sweden in recent times, including the second in a short time in Gothenburg.

– He said something about the people who don’t want us here, that we would leave the country and belong to the Middle Ages. And then many swear words. Very threatening, Mohammad El-Alti, Gothenburg Mosque press spokesman, tells SVT Nyheter Väst.

Last week, dusty letters were sent to two mosques in Malmö. Later, the dust turned out to be harmless. The Great Mosque of Eskilstuna also received a similar letter recently.

– There are several mosques that have been affected in recent days. According to the report, there are more mosques in the country that have received similar threats against them, which is a reason to investigate whether they are the same perpetrators, Hans-Jörgen Ostler, a police press spokesman, tells GP.
