We didn’t have enough resources


During the spring, the government and the Swedish Public Health Agency received much criticism for the lack of a comprehensive national crown test in the country.

Johan Carlsson, managing director of the Swedish Public Health Agency, now admits that several of the agency’s units were too small and had too few resources to handle the outbreak.

– Yes, it is obvious that when we have such a big challenge, many units are too small. They have done a fantastic job, but of course they don’t have the basic resources that would be needed, he tells Ekot.

Lack of resources was one of the reasons Sweden started so late when it comes to testing compared to other countries, says Johan Carlsson.

– It has been difficult to fully sustain that business during the peak that occurred in March-April. Whether it has meant so much to the pandemic is hard to say, but it certainly would have been an advantage if it had had a more powerful regional organization and more resources allocated, he tells the radio.

Increase in infection in Sweden

In Europe, the spread of the infection has accelerated again and new restrictions have been introduced in the UK and France, among others.

According to state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, there has also been a certain increase in Sweden.

– Development in Sweden is slowly going in the wrong direction, he says during Thursday’s press conference.

So far around 90,923 cases have been confirmed in Sweden and a total of 5,880 people have died with confirmed covid-19, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency.

READ MORE: Agnes Wold’s critique of the new strategy

READ MORE: Concerns: the spread is back in Stockholm

READ MORE: Tegnell: Development is slowly going in the wrong direction

The professor’s harsh criticism of Boris Johnson: “blame the population”
