Of: Andreas Käck, Anna Rydén, Erik Karlsson, Petra Thorén
OBERSTDORF / STOCKHOLM. Frida Karlsson asked all of Sweden to stop and watch the relay. Then he apologized.
– I’m sorry, it wasn’t worth it, says Frida Karlsson.
– I hope that all of Sweden stops to see that Norway is the best, says Tiril Udnes Weng.
The women’s relay has been built with psychic warfare, fox games and a pure battle between Sweden and Norway.
It has also been the clear highlight among the pilots.
– Close all the shops, stop the trains. Everyone should follow this race, Frida Karlsson said before the relay.
Then everything went south for the Swedish team in the first two distances. While Norway rejoiced to have regained the throne as the world’s best ski team, the eliminated Swedes rose to sixth place.
He took over the interview with a roar
An anticlimax.
– I want to address an apology to all those who closed their stores and stopped all trains. Today was not worth it …, says Frida Karlsson.
When Norwegian incumbent Tiril Udnes Weng heard about the call, she lit up.
– I hope all of Sweden stopped to see that Norway is the best, he says and was supported by Therese Johaug.
– Good thing, then they managed to cheer up Norway a bit, she says.
Has Sweden been too confident?
– It was a bit cocky. They have. But we think it’s good to be at the top of the podium and do the best we can. It doesn’t matter if it’s Sweden 2 or 3 or 5 or 8. We think it’s good to have regained the title and to be world champion again, says Johaug.
“You can give us the foam”
And, of course, Norwegian joy knew no bounds. When Frida Karlsson was interviewed by NRK, Heidi Weng directed the Norwegian company in front of the camera.
Photo: NRK
Heidi Weng jumped right into the Frida Karlsson interview and clapped her hands.
– Woooooo! Jaaaaaaa !, he roared and “took over the interview” while Frida pocketed from there.
– You have to rejoice, that’s all. For us, this is extremely big, we had not thought about it beforehand, says Heidi Weng to Sportbladet.
Frida wasn’t upset about being rejected either.
– It is not surprising. We would have done the same if we had won, he says.
Frida Karlsson had packed a bottle of foam before this championship.
– They can give it to us, says Tiril Udnes Weng to Dagbladet.
Frida Karlsson and Charlotte Kalla are depressed after the WC relay.