Water leak in Arboga – accommodation without water


At 10 a.m. on Saturday, many residents of Arboga discovered that there was bad pressure or that water was coming out of the taps.

At the same time, large bodies of water had accumulated under a viaduct at Stureleden in the central parts of the city.

Susanne Linde lives very close to collecting water.

– A car had entered and is trapped underneath, she says.

Rescuers at the scene said the people in the car got out.

According to the municipality, the leak should have been corrected.

During the morning a leak was identified and repaired. This has led to an improvement in pressure in the pipe network. Ongoing troubleshooting is underway to investigate if further leaks have occurred.“Writes the municipality on its website.

The water has gone in several places in the municipality

There is a large crack in the path of the site.

– The whole walkway has sunk. This can be infuriating. When I went there now, I felt like I didn’t dare to go here, and they welcomed me too, says Susanne Linde.

“There has been a major leak in the pipe network. A large proportion of households in the municipality of Arboga may be affected. Troubleshooting in progress. “, writes the municipality of Arboga on its website. It is unclear how many were affected.

Subsequently, the municipality declared that the leak had been corrected and that “The pressure in the pipeline network has improved.”

Susanne Linde says several people she spoke to told her they had no water, but at 11 o’clock a “small stream” came out of the tap. She says there has been flooding at the site before.

Expressen has requested the municipality without results.

See also:

The reader’s movie shows how high the water has risen in Rödäng.
