A Volkswagen car. Stock Photography.
Clas Jerveland, CEO of Volkswagen Group Sweden, wants the name of the industrial area to be changed to Vaasa.
– When you leave the highway today, it does not say Hovsjö but Vaasa. And sadly, Hovsjö is known for other cars than just pretty. We recruited all over Mälardalen and noticed that it doesn’t sound very strong to say that the job is in Hovsjö, Jerveland tells the newspaper.
City Council Chairman Boel Godner (S) tells LT that a name change is “associated with incredibly high costs.”
– It’s sad if you feel like this. You should not shy away from or be afraid of looking for work somewhere in Södertälje. Hovsjö, in particular, has also improved a lot in recent years, says Godner.
The police classified Hovsjö as a risk area in an assessment carried out last year.