Visit trade association on alcohol prohibition: in shock


From: Nora fernstedt


The news of a liquor stop after 10 p.m. came like a cold shower for the restaurant industry.

Without further supportive measures, it seems dark for restaurateurs, says Jonas Siljhammar, CEO of the industry organization Visit.

– This is to ignite an industry that is already falling, he says.

At a press conference on Tuesday, the government announced that it plans to ban the sale of alcohol after 10 p.m. in restaurants and taverns, starting on November 20.

Stefan Löfven spoke about the increasing spread of the infection in Sweden, calling the situation “unsustainable”.

Stefan Löfven announced Wednesday that an alcohol ban will be introduced.

Photo: Magnus Sandberg

Stefan Löfven announced Wednesday that an alcohol ban will be introduced.

“Great restrictions”

Jonas Siljhammar, executive director of the industry organization Visit, was asked when the news came.

– I’m surprised that people, once again, without warning, are attacking our industry in this context. There are infection control rules that have worked very well. I have the utmost respect for the fact that you must avoid the pandemic, but this is to attack an industry that is already up and running, he tells Aftonbladet.

What are the consequences of this?

– If you do nothing, more jobs will be lost, more businesses will collapse. These are huge restrictions on our opportunities to do business, says Jonas Siljhammar.

Photo: Jessica Gow / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY

Jonas Siljhammar, CEO of the trade association Visit: “The ban affects an industry that is already falling”

“Great despair for the industry”

The restaurant industry has been in crisis since the start of the pandemic and got even worse when local restrictions came in. Christmas tables have been booked on the assembly line, and this will be another blow, says Siljhammar.

– The reserves have more or less completely disappeared. Even before this, I felt a great desperation for the industry. We want nothing better than to run our business safely, he says.

The government speaks of pub nights as a major risk environment. Can you understand in any way that they are making this decision?

– Then you must also say that there are other risk environments that you have not handled. People will not stop drinking alcohol, it should be better to happen in an orderly manner in a restaurant. The risk now is that it happens at house parties where there is no control, he says.

More support is needed

He hopes that the government will now present more measures to support the catering industry.

– We welcome the support that recently arrived. But it is clear that additional support is needed, it is quite clear, he says.

