Virus cases are on the rise in Copenhagen: new restrictions are introduced


Of: Linus lindgren


Nyhavn in Copenhagen.

Photo: Fredrik Hagen / TT

Nyhavn in Copenhagen.

After a period of increasing infection in Copenhagen, new restrictions are now being introduced in the Danish capital. Now there will be demands for mouth guards in bars and cafes in the city and nearby municipalities and at the same time they will be forced to close at 10 pm, according to Ekstra Bladet.

Also, the Danish equivalent of the Swedish Public Health Agency recommends that private parties last no longer than 10pm.

In addition to the new guidelines for nightlife in Greater Copenhagen, new restrictions are also being introduced on high-profile Danish football, where now only 500 spectators can visit matches.

The guidelines apply in all 17 municipalities around Copenhagen and will mean that teams FCK, Brøndby and Lyngby must be content with 500 spectators. In practice, however, this means fewer than 500 spectators, as clubs, the media and security personnel occupy around 100 of the seats.

