A horse owner had a veterinarian inseminate his mare several times during 2018. Since the horse was never pregnant, the owner had another veterinarian examine the mare.
Then the vet found many adhesions on the lining of the uterus. It turned out that the first vet used a strong corrosive cleanser, Vikron, to properly clean the mare’s uterus, NSD reports.
The owner of the horse who has not been informed of the rinsing reported to the veterinarian before the Committee Responsible for Animal Health and Medical Attention.
The vet explained that over the years he had performed about ten rinses with Vikron on mares, where they became pregnant after treatment. He finds it hard to believe that his treatment caused the mare’s injuries.
But the Responsibility Committee has evaluated that the product is not intended for animals, but for cleaning premises, which is contrary to science and proven experience of using the product in the way the veterinarian did.
The board has now given him a disciplinary sanction in the form of a reprimand.