Various dangerous incidents at the shooting range


Entering military firing ranges during drills can be fatal. Stock Photography.

Photo: Yvonne Åsell / SvD / TT

Entering military firing ranges during drills can be fatal. Stock Photography.

According to the Swedish Armed Forces, civilians entering the shooting range during exercises are a growing and life-threatening problem. Just last week, three serious incidents occurred.

At Remmene firing range, outside Herrljunga, an unexploded ordnance clearance was underway when two girls on horseback approached.

“They had passed a closed boom and ignored the warning message that resulted in a police report,” Roger Rappell, shooting range manager for the Skaraborg Regiment (P4), said in a press release.

Outside Uddevalla, in the Soebbacks’ firing line, the soldiers would detonate an explosive charge, but had to resign when they saw a cyclist approaching their eyes.

In addition, four older men entered the same shooting range after passing the closed bar.

“They did not believe that we were practicing during the coronation times and they said that they did not see or hear any military personnel, but that is where we are not, since it is fatal to be there, so it is probable that he is in the target area,” says Rappell. .
