Various alarms about congestion on public transport in Sweden


There are shouts from various parts of the country for the congestion of public transport. Orust, Skövde, Uppsala, Skellefteå and Gothenburg – Travelers have found it too crowded and too close. This spring, high schools and colleges were closed, and many worked from home. Now there are more people traveling when schools have opened, and perhaps some who work have also returned to their places of work.

– There have been a lot of travelers this week and last week, says Henrik Kjellberg, Västtrafik press communicator.

Gothenburg has the highest number of passengers, and from there there have been reports of congestion.

– Even on the west coast and inland, it has been reported to be crowded.

He says that Västtrafik is trying to do everything possible to reduce congestion.

– We have made about 40 additional outings, and we also have informants who try to help clients find the right one, for example by informing them about additional outings.

He explains that it often gets very crowded on public transport every year right at the start of school; there are many who have to find a new way to go to school and work. This year, the pandemic is more difficult.

– It takes a while before the trip stabilizes, says Henrik Kjellberg.

Complaints about congestion also come from Skellefteå, Karlsborg and Hjo, among others.

Stockholm doesn’t want Greater Stockholm local traffic (SL) comments on any congestion alarms in connection with the start of classes. But on the SL website it appears that commuters are still encouraged to walk or bike rather than use public transport. Those who have to travel are also encouraged to choose times other than peak hours.

In Uppsala, SVT Uppsala reports 250 crowded bus alarms in just one week in relation to the start of classes. Upplands lokaltrafik (UL) is trying to do whatever it can to reduce congestion, press manager Helena Klange told SVT. But 250 alarms in a week should be compared to 30,000 trips a week, he thinks.

– So on the one hand 250 are quite few, on the other hand I have all the respect for those who travel at the same time every morning and think there are too many people. We do what we can, but it is not enough, he says.

Now we have to make more trips. UL has leased additional buses and made just over 20 additional trips.

– We must try to redistribute traffic even more and continue to appeal to commuters to avoid times of the day when there are many people on the move, Helena Klange tells SVT.
