VÄNERSBORG: A woman was killed with a permobile


In early February, a man in his 85s ran over a woman with his cell phone in Vänersborg.

The woman stopped at an ATM and took a step back, to which the suspect had no time to react.

Instead of braking, he hit the gas, he said in question.

Place hitter

The woman fell after being hit by the permobile and later died from her injuries.

After the woman fell, the man with the permobile left the place and during the interrogation, he says that the person who called an ambulance “did not want me to be there and bother.”

The man is now on trial for causing the death of another person and contagion from the scene of a traffic accident.

“Until the district court”

– This is a crime of negligence and since it is a negligent and unintentional action, the criminal offense is causing the death of another person, says Malin Melin, a court prosecutor.

What do you think about the state of the tests?

– I assess the state of the evidence as sufficient grounds for prosecution and then of course it is up to the district court to assess the sentence, says Malin Melin.

If the 85-year-old man is found guilty of causing the death of another person, he can be sentenced to prison for a maximum of two years and if the crime is less than a fine.

SEE MORE: The miraculous aunt is one hair from death

He rolls on ice in his permobile

READ MORE: Woman killed man – hitter from crash site