When the Valsta municipal council had its last meeting, the topic of the library was among other things on the agenda, but it was removed. Officials currently do not know when the library can reopen. The library closed in February due to problems in the work environment.
Margareta Klang, a member of the Valsta Municipal Council, represents the association of Husby Erlinghundra Märsta’s hometown. She and the other representatives of the other associations were allowed to go home without clarifying what was happening on the central issue.
– The center of Valsta is important to us who live here. It is a meeting place, she says.
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The voting booths wonder what will happen to the development of the city center.
The newspaper finds her in the café in the central building. She and some ladies meet here on Mondays to hang out and knit. This is where Valstabor sits and drinks. A group of older people play cards. The noise level is sometimes high. As more people join the card game.
When the newspaper contacts the cultural and leisure administration, it turns out that the carpet that was previously placed must be removed and the facilities must be evacuated. No one knows how long the work will take. Sigtuna Municipality is currently negotiating price with owner Randviken.
But it’s not just the bounce library that raises questions. Margareta Klang, known to the Valstabs, does not think the downtown facilities are pleasant today. The public toilet was quickly neglected and the decor is poor.
– It has improved since Valstaskolan students moved. Previously, children rode bicycles within the facilities of the center. Some went skating, she says.
Olov Holst (M), chairman of the city council, says that space is now being created for investments in the center of Valsta in the ongoing budget work. But exactly what it’s about, he doesn’t want to comment.
– The Social Democrats have governed for 15 years, we have been sitting for 35 days. Of course, we have not been able to develop a detailed plan for development at Valsta, but our budget work includes specific investments at different levels. First of all, we want to eliminate insecurity.
Margareta Klang is also looking for a new Valsta initiative. Olov Holst makes it clear that there is reasoning about the company resumption.
“We need to strengthen civil society in this area,” he says.