Vadstena Academy receives more than 30 million SEK


The late couple was heavily involved in the business. They were members of the Vadstena Academy Friends Association and frequently visited performances, according to Nils Spangenberg. However, you still don’t know exactly how much money it is.

– There are many millions, at least 30 million in any case. They really liked our business and they bequeathed almost all of their assets to us. It feels absolutely huge and a little scary. It’s a lot of money and you feel a great responsibility about managing such a fantastic donation.

Nils Spangenberg, CEO and Artistic Director of Vadstena Academy

Nils Spangenberg, CEO and Artistic Director of Vadstena Academy

Photo: Vadstena Academy

Spangenberg says the money will go primarily to developing and expanding the business in accordance with visions they had but were previously unable to implement.

– We will do more opera productions, we will develop our international collaboration, our courses and workshops, we will work with digitization. Just do what we’ve always dreamed of, he says.

The Vadstena Academy was founded 1964 and is a kind of development center for young musicians on their way to a career. The company organizes an annual opera festival in Vadstena in Östergötland.
