Vaccine data stolen from EU authority | Aftonbladet


From: TT


The Pfizer company claims that the information about its coronary vaccine was stolen in a cyber attack against the European Medicines Agency EMA.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Richard Drew / AP / TT

The Pfizer company claims that the information about its coronary vaccine was stolen in a cyber attack against the European Medicines Agency EMA. Stock Photography.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA), which is deeply involved in examining two different coronary vaccines, has been the target of a cyber attack. Manufacturer Pfizer / Biontech says information about its vaccine has been stolen.

“The EMA has been the target of a cyber attack. The agency has promptly launched a full investigation in close cooperation with law enforcement agencies and other relevant organizations,” the EMA said in a statement.

It is not yet clear when the attack was carried out, who or who is behind it and how it has affected the activities of the authority.

“The EMA will not be able to provide further information while the investigation is ongoing. Additional information will be available in due course,” the statement read.

Pfizer and Biontech affected

The agency now handles the approval processes for two vaccines: one from American Pfizer and German Biontech and one from American Moderna.

Decisions must be made on December 29 and January 12, respectively.

In a joint statement, Pfizer and Biontech now claim that the EMA informed them that the authority has been attacked and that the person or persons behind it have “illegally obtained” information about their vaccine.

It does not affect the schedule

The companies indicate that no proprietary system has been violated. They are awaiting further information from the EMA, but claim that they have been assured that the attack “will have no effect on the schedule for review (from the authority).”

Cyber ​​and hacking attacks against pharmaceutical companies and other industry players have increased during the corona pandemic, where both state-sponsored intelligence actors and criminals are trying to obtain valuable information.

Not least, Iran, China, North Korea, Russia, and Vietnam have all reported trying to meddle and steal information on drugs and treatment methods.

