Richard Bergström Answers Readers’ Questions About Corona Vaccine
Of: Niklas Eriksson, Nellie Håkansson
At Christmas, the vaccine packages will reach the EU member states.
Two boxes with just over 10,000 doses for each country.
– It comes on the hillside, in a truck from Belgium where they filled it in small vials, says Richard Bergström, vaccination coordinator.
On Monday, the EU approved the first corona vaccine, and just under a year after the pandemic started, EU citizens will also start getting vaccinated. The United Kingdom and the United States are already using the same vaccine.
The Pfizer / Biontech vaccine to be used in Sweden is manufactured at the Pfizer factory in Belgium and from there it will be driven to Sweden by truck, with a police card.
The first person to be vaccinated in Sweden should receive their first dose on weekdays.
– December 27 morning somewhere in Sweden, says Bergström, who has no idea who it will be.
All EU countries must jointly start their vaccination programs on that day.
First, each country receives two boxes each with around 10,000 doses. Richard Bergström says the next post will come out on December 28 and that it is much longer.
– Then there will be 80,000 doses and then we will receive 80,000 doses every week, says Richard Bergström.
It has been previously announced who receives it first in Sweden and then it has been said that the elderly in housing and those who work there, the most vulnerable, should receive first.
And they can expect traditional side effects, like fever. Richard Bergström says the syringe will feel.
– Actually, his arm hurts quite a bit with this vaccine, but it is also a sign that it works, says Bergström.
– You take a real hit to the immune response.