Vaccinations can be approved on weekdays



From: TT


Pfizer-Biontech's covid-19 vaccine can be approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on December 29.  Stock Photography.

Photo: John Cairns / AP / TT

Pfizer-Biontech’s covid-19 vaccine can be approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on December 29. Stock Photography.

The EU is expected to make the first decision to approve a covid-19 vaccine on December 29.

“We worked hard for a decision to be made then,” Charlotta Bergquist of the Medical Products Agency, which is involved in the vaccine review, tells Swedish Radio Ekot.

The decision concerns the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine and is made by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which has previously said that approval for the vaccine can be obtained by the end of December at the earliest.

As early as Wednesday, the United Kingdom was the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine. In the EU, the European Commission must make the formal decision, after the EMA has given its approval. It can normally take a couple of months, but now it is expected to happen in a few days.

If the vaccine is approved by the EMA on December 29, it can start shipping to Sweden after the Christmas and New Year weekend.

– As soon as possible after weekends, this should be up and running, tells Ekot Sören Andersson, head of the vaccination programs unit at the Swedish Public Health Agency.


